Oh, Canada!

Just a tiny mid-week post today to check in with you all. Are there any diabetics out there who read my blog? Do you ever have a great blood sugar streak for a few days and then get stuck with a few results that are way off the grid? I just went through something like that. Not the first time in my life, but the first time since going plant-based. I just couldn’t get a grip on my blood sugars! I’m usually anywhere between 5 and 10 (I usually start to feel the effects of hyperglycemia around 11 or 12) but for the past week or so, I just couldn’t bring myself lower than 14. It was awful! I felt tired and run-down a lot, not to mention thirsty and irritable. In my defense, I was battling a little infection and went to New York City on Sunday, but it was only yesterday that my glucose readings were back to normal and I felt like my old self again. Have any of you experienced this? How do you deal with these periods? I try to up my vegetable content during this time but it doesn’t always work. Ah, the trials and tribulations of diabetic living.

On a separate note, it is July 1st, and that means that it is Canada Day! I’d like to wish a fun, safe and vegtastic Canada Day to my fellow Canuck readers! I started my day off with this absolutely delicious smoothie of organic mangoes, frozen bananas, coconut milk, coconut manna, collard greens and ground flax. Absolutely delicious!


For supper, my wonderful mom made some delicious black bean hamburgers with some oven roasted potatoes. I’m very grateful for this beautiful day off and I hope you all have a great week!


I do not work in any nutrition-related fields so any information given on this blog is based on my own research and experience and should not be used in place of sound medical advice from a professional. Please consult your doctor or naturopath for any ailments or problems you may be experiencing. I do not receive any compensation or payment for mentioning any products, brands, services or companies, etc. on my blog, unless stated otherwise.